News on the topic: detention

10.09.2007 Baranavichy: Police Detain Journalists and Youth Activists during Trial over Yaraslau Hryshchenia

On 10 September in Baranavichy the youth activist Yaraslau Hryshchenia stood a trial for participation in unregistered organization (article 193.1 of the Criminal Code). Many youth activists came to the court to support him. A number of independent journalists elucidated the action of support. By 10.30 a.m. the police detained more than 20 participants of the action.

10.09.2007 Orsha: Police Detain People for Celebrating the Day of Belarusian Military Glory

About 100 opposition activists were detained on 8 September, the Day of Belarusian Military Glory in Orsha and Mahiliou. Only in the Krapivenskaya field were the bards’ fest was to be held over 40 people were detained. The group of 20 public activists was detained in Mahiliou. In Orsha the people were taken off trains and busses and after several hours’ detainment forced to return to their places. But 9 September another 20 people were detained in the Krapivenskaya field. Among the detainees there were many well-known people: bard Andrei Melnikau, artist Ales Pushkin, youth leaders Zmitser Khvedaruk, Andrei Sharenda, activists Ivan and Illia Shyla.

07.09.2007 Trade Union Activist Siarhei Antusevich Detained on the Border again

Siarhei Antusevich, the chair of the primary unit of the Belarusian independent trade union at the open company Hrodna Azot (Hrodna Nitrogen) has been again thoroughly searched by the Belarusian customs officers on the Polish border.

07.09.2007 Hrodna: Maksim Hubarevich Taken to Local KGB Office

In the morning on 7 September KGB workers visited the public and political activist Maksim Hubarevich at work. They handed to him a summons to come to the KGB office for giving explanations. There wasn’t specified which explanations he was to give and why, but they did not explain anything to him.

07.09.2007 Babruisk: Police Detain Youth Activists

At about 9 p.m. on 6 September in Babruisk the police detained four youth activists including Mikita Bytsenka and Siarhei Latsinski. That day they helped a local human rights activist Ihar Khodzka to repair his house.

06.09.2007 Homel: Police Detain Youth Activist Andrei Tsianiuta

In Homel the police detained the youth activist Andrei Tsianiuta. According to the duty policeman of Homel regional transport police department Ruslan Maltsau, Tsianiuta looked like a suspect in a raping that was committed on 23 August in Minsk or in the Aseyeuka settlement in Minsk district. 40 minutes after the detention the policemen apologized to Tsianiuta and released him. The youngster missed his train, but the policemen took his ticket to the booking office and returned to him the money for it.

06.09.2007 Mahiliou: Police Detain Distributors of Youth Bulletin

At about 8 p.m. on 5 September in Leninskaya Street in Mahiliou the police detained for handing out Moladzevy biuleten (Youth Bulletin) three under aged persons: Ales Anisimau, Artsiom Davydau and Kastus Yauseyeu. 173 copies of the edition were confiscated from them.

06.09.2007 Minsk: Unidentified Person Detained Near BPF Office

Several hours ago an unidentified old man was detained by the police near the Minsk office of the Belarusian People’s Front Party in Masherau Avenue, 8. The policemen detained him and lead to the Academy of the Internal Affairs that is situated near the BPF office. HRC Viasna learned that before the detention the man visited the BPF office and left it with a copy of Right to Freedom bulletin.

Niasvizh: Criminal Trial against Nasta Azarka Ends with Fine. Detentions outside Court

06.09.2007 Niasvizh: Criminal Trial against Nasta Azarka Ends with Fine. Detentions outside Court

On 4 September in Niasvizh a Young Front activist Anastasia Azarka was fined 1 240 000 Belarusian rubles (about 600 US dollars). The verdict was issued by judge Maryia Dunayeva. The youth activist was charged with activities on behalf of an unregistered organisation (article 193.1 of the Criminal Code). The prosecutor demanded to fine her 500 15 500 000 Belarusian rubles (about 7 200 US dollars).

Salihorsk: Criminal Trial over Ivan Shyla Is Accompanied with Detentions and Imprisonments

06.09.2007 Salihorsk: Criminal Trial over Ivan Shyla Is Accompanied with Detentions and Imprisonments

On 4 September trials over the Young Front activists Ivan Shyla and Nasta Azarka took place in Salihorsk and Niasvizh. The activists were charged under article 193.1 of the Criminal Code (activities on behalf of unregistered organization). Dozens of people gathered near the courts to support the youth activists.

03.09.2007 Homel: Police Confirm Legality of Andrei Tsianiuta’s Detention

On 1 September the public activist from Homel Andrei Tsianiuta received an answer from Chyhunachny district police department of Homel. In his complaint to this body Tsianiuta pointed at his illegal detention by SOBR (special quick reaction unit) policemen.

03.09.2007 Arrests for Defense of St. Joseph’s Church

In the evening of 2 September representatives of Young Front and Belarusian Christian Democracy were arrested during collection of signatures.

31.08.2007 Paranoid Behavior of Salihorsk Police

On 31 August the Salihorsk police worked in an emergency regime. Since the early morning they have been controlling the whereabouts of the most active democratic activists of the town. They have waited for them near the porches, phoned to their jobs and homes and detained them.

30.08.2007 Homel Police Detain People for Celebrating Lukashenka’s Birthday

On 30 August in the center of Homel the police in mufti detained four youth activists: Siarhei Astafonau, Vital Birukou, Andrei Tsianiuta and Zmitser Zhaleznichenka. The detainees were told that they were suspected in robbery. All of them were taken to Tsentralny district police department of Homel for ‘identification’.

30.08.2007 Preventive Detention in Aziarets Settlement on the Eve of Lukashenka’s Visit

Today, on 30 August, Zhdanovichy court sentenced an activist of the civil campaign For Freedom! from Aziarets Yauhen Silvanovich to five days of jail. The activist was detained in the evening of 29 August by workers of Zhdanovichy district police department.

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