News on the topic: detention

10.10.2007 Niasvizh: Nasta Azarka Detained

A public activist Nasta Azarka was detained by the police on her way home and taken to Niasvizh district police department. There they drew on her a report under article 29.1 of the Administrative Code for posting stickers. The trial of the activist can take place at the end of October.

10.10.2007 Chair of Homel Oblast UCP Office Vasil Paliakou Detained

At about 7 p.m. on 9 October in Homel the police detained the chair of Homel oblast office of the United Civil Party Vasil Paliakou. The detention took place near his house. Paliakou was taken to Chyhunachny district police department of Homel and accused of ?dirty swearing’ (article 17.1 of the Administrative Code, standard charges to detained opposition activists).

10.10.2007 Police Detain Democratic Activist Aliaksandr Atroshchankau

A democratic activist Aliaksandar Atroschankau was arrested late at night on 9 October in Minsk. The police burst into his apartment on the first store through a window and searched it. Office equipment, including a computer and information materials on the European March, EU flags and the Belarusian national emblem Pahonia made of plaster were withdrawn.

08.10.2007 Miadzel: Police Detain Activist of ?For Freedom!’ Movement Zmitser Padreza

The police stopped Zmitser Padreza near his parents’ house and demanded to open his bag. There they found stickers dedicated to the upcoming mass action European March and took him to Miadzel district police department. There they drew on him a report of administrative violation, confiscated the stickers and took away his mobile.

08.10.2007 Smaliavichy: Police Detain Activists of ?For Freedom!’ Movement

On 5 October in Smaliavichy the police detained nine young activists of For Freedom! movement. 12 activists handed out Svaboda newspaper and some more stood with a white-red-white flag in the town center.

02.10.2007 Police Spoil Ivashkevich’s Birthday

On 2 October in El-Pomidoro restaurant in Minsk political activists celebrated the 48th birthday of the deputy chair of the Belarusian People’s Front Viktar Ivashkevich.

02.10.2007 Riot Police Try to Burst into Anatol Liabedzka’s Apartment

On 30 September riot policemen in mufti tried to burst into Anatol Liabedzka’s apartment. However, the chair of the United Civil Party recognized one of them and did not open the door. On 29 September they also paid a visit to the house, but the politician was absent.

02.10.2007 Riot Police Watch and Hinder Social Pickets

On 30 September in Minsk the activists of the Party of Communists of Belarus Valery Ukhnaliou, Dzmitry Yanenka and a journalist Henadz Sharypkin were detained while handing out the issue of the Tovarishch newspaper that was dedicated to the Social March (appointed on 4 November). The detainees were taken to Savetski district police department of Minsk, but no reports were drawn.

02.10.2007 Salihorsk: Police Detain Andrei Tychyna

On 30 September the Young Front activists from Salihorsk held a picket in support of political prisoners. Earlier applications for several pickets were considered by Salihorsk city executive committee. The committee banned the pickets and ordered the police to watch the activists.

02.10.2007 Hrodna: Yury Istomin Arrested, Andrei Yanushkevich – Fined

The police continue haunting public and political activists in Hrodna. On 1 October Leninski and Kastrychnitski courts of Hrodna tried the abovementioned activists of the United Party.

02.10.2007 Svetlahorsk Activists Appeal Police and KGB Actions

On 30 September the police detained Sviatlana Mikhalchanka and Volha Yankouskaya. In the evening the police also searched their apartments. The reason for these actions was that the detainees were participants of actions against the upcoming repeal of social benefits.

28.09.2007 Activist sentenced to 15 days in jail over August meeting with Seviarynets

Judge of Maskouski Court sentenced Andrey Sharenda to 15 days in jail

27.09.2007 Police Detains Leader of Salihorsk Entrepreneurs

In Salihorsk police detained Alexander Tsatsura, the leader of local entrepreneurs, member of an unregistered organization “For Free Development of Entrepreneurship”.

26.09.2007 Brest: Human Rights Defender Raman Kisliak Detained

Today Brest police detained lawyer Raman Kisliak near the doors of Maskouski court of Brest.

26.09.2007 Ivashkevich Released, Report Sent for Revision

It is likely that Ivashkevich will be tried in the beginning of October, in order to isolate him right before the European March planned for October 14th.

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