News on the topic: detention

Detentions for picketing near Lithuanian Embassy

10.03.2010 Detentions for picketing near Lithuanian Embassy

Young activists Maksim Viniarski, Palina Kuryianovich and Palina Dziakava held a protest action today morning. They unfurled a banner ‘No to Cooperation with Belarusian Dictatorship!’ near the Embassy of Lithuania in Minsk in Zakharau Street to protest against the invitation of Aliaksandr Lukashenka to the festivities on occasion of the 20th anniversary of Reestablishment of the independence of Lithuania.

First detention for election postcards ‘Tell The Truth’

09.03.2010 First detention for election postcards ‘Tell The Truth’

Civil activists Mikhail Bashura, Volha Mikitsenka and Vasil Busel were detained in Minsk when they were carrying postcards of the civil campaign Tell The Truth.

Vitsebsk: Barys Khamaida detained again

18.02.2010 Vitsebsk: Barys Khamaida detained again

On 18 February in Vitsebsk, Barys Khamaida, activist of the Conservative-Christian Party Belarusian Popular Front, was detained for two hours for distribution of the party magazine Belaruskiya Vedamastsi. The official reason for the detention was that the policemen needed to check-up the literary editions and periodicals that were distributed by Mr. Khamaida.

Members of Union of Poles are detained again

17.02.2010 Members of Union of Poles are detained again

The continuation of the trial on confiscation of the Polish House in the town of Ivianets was scheduled for 2.30 p.m. on 17 February in the Valozhyn district court. The trial is initiated by the authorities and is aimed at passing the Polish House to the pro-regime Union of Poles, governed by businessman Stanislau Siamashka.

Minsk: police disperse action of solidarity with Polish minority

17.02.2010 Minsk: police disperse action of solidarity with Polish minority

On 16 February the riot police dispersed the action of solidarity on Kastrychnitskaya Square in central Minsk. Some of the action participants were detained preventively on the way to the square. Riot policemen also prevented journalists from making photos. As soon as they saw a camera, they ringed the journalist. In some cases, they even tried hitting on cameras.

Barys Khamaida is accused of ‘disorderly conduct’

15.02.2010 Barys Khamaida is accused of ‘disorderly conduct’

Officers of the Chynunachy district police department in Vitsebsk gave such charges to Barys Khamaida for ‘hanging out a white-red-white flag’.

Anatol Liabezka detained

15.02.2010 Anatol Liabezka detained

At 10.30 a.m. on 15 February in Valozhyn, on the eve of the trial of the member of the Union of Poles in Belarus Tereza Sobal, the police detained Anatol Liabedzka, leader of the United Civil Party, and guarded him to the Valozhyn district police department. At 5.30 p.m. he was still kept there.

Minsk: St. Valentine Day action dispersed by riot police. Tatsiana Shaputska has cranial trauma

15.02.2010 Minsk: St. Valentine Day action dispersed by riot police. Tatsiana Shaputska has cranial trauma

About 30 young democratic activists were detained by police as a result of the violent dispersal of the St. Valentine Day action in the center of Minsk. Riot policemen grabbed them by hands and feet and threw into paddy wagons. Two hours after the detention the police released the detainees without giving any charges.

Brest: ’Young Front’ activist complains against conditions in a temporary detention facility

12.02.2010 Brest: ’Young Front’ activist complains against conditions in a temporary detention facility

Ivan Stasiuk, activist of the Young Front, lodged with Prosecutor General Ryhor Vasilevich a complaint concerning the conditions in the temporary detention facility of Brest. A copy of the complaint was submitted to the Leninski district procuracy in Brest.

Brest: Ivan Stasiuk is issued a warning for activity on behalf of unregistered organization

11.02.2010 Brest: Ivan Stasiuk is issued a warning for activity on behalf of unregistered organization

Ivan Stasiuk, a member of the international youth organization Young Front registered in Czech, was issued an official warning for activities on behalf of unregistered organization. The activist was summoned to the Brest oblast procuracy for 9 a.m. on 11 February, and was required to give explanations.

Homel: Yauhen Yakavenka appeals against forced detention by police

15.01.2010 Homel: Yauhen Yakavenka appeals against forced detention by police

As BelaPAN reports, at noon on 14 January two men in police uniform came up to Yauhen Yakavenka, a regional coordinator of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, in Knizhnaya Street in Homel. They forced Yakavenka to get in a car and took him to a military enlistment office. ‘They explained me that I allegedly evaded draft, though I didn’t receive any summons to the military office. The office staff didn’t know what to do with me. I was waiting for their chiefs. Then I was told I could go,’ commented the activist.

15.01.2010 Vitsebsk: arrests of oppositionists continue

Young activist Taras Surhan, a friend of Siarhei Kavalenka, has been sentenced to 7 days of arrest. Valer Ramanenka and Ales Halavan, activists of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, were detained and guarded to the Pershamaiski district police department of Vitsebsk. Pavel Seviarynets, who visited the detainees at the police department, said that ‘haunting of democratic activists has started in Vitsebsk’.

Vitsebsk: Siarhei Kavalenka released from pre-trial prison

13.01.2010 Vitsebsk: Siarhei Kavalenka released from pre-trial prison

Yesterday evening Siarhei Kavalenka, activist of the Conservative Christian Party Belarusian Popular Front arrested for hanging out a white-red-white flag on the main New Year Tree in Vitsebsk, was released from the pre-trial prison. He says that it was a surprise to him, as last Saturday the prosecutor’s office issued a ruling on keeping him in custody for two months.

Vitsebsk: Barys Khamaida detained again

12.01.2010 Vitsebsk: Barys Khamaida detained again

Barys Khamaida, distributor of private socio-political press editions, was detained once again near the so-called ‘blue house’ in Lenin Street,27, where he usually distributes Nasha Niva, ARCHE and other editions.

12.01.2010 Another activist detained in Vitsebsk

Democratic activist Filip Shaurou was detained by the riot police on Monday. At about 12:25 a.m. policemen came up to activist Filip Shaurou at a central bus station and said he answered the description of a person who had committed a crime and asked to follow them. The detained was guarded to the Chyhunachny district police department of Vitsebsk.

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