News on the topic: detention

Detention in Minsk

19.09.2011 Detention in Minsk

Mrs. Nina Bahinskaya has been detained during a memorial picket marking the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the historic Belarusian state emblems (the Pahonia coat of arms and the white-red-white flag) staged in Minsk’s Nezalezhnastsi Square this evening.

19.09.2011 Young Front activists detained in Minsk

Activists of the Young Front youth opposition movement Nasta Palazhanka and Uladzimer Yaromenak have been detained by Minsk police this morning, the Young Front’s press-service reports.

19.09.2011 Minsk activist detained for pasting "Stop Enduring!" leaflets

Activist of "Young Democrats" Volha Padzeryna was detained on Sunday morning near the military unit and delivered to the Lenin district police department.

19.09.2011 Homel activists to stand trial for "silent action" leaflets

Zmitser Shauchenka and Dzmitry Karashkou were detained on Saturday and delivered to the pre-trial detention center.

15.09.2011 KGB: another recruitment failure

The activist of the youth democratic movement in Homel, Ksenia Yaraslautsava, says a KGB officer tried to recruit her.

Trade union activist Henadz Fiadynich detained by police

13.09.2011 Trade union activist Henadz Fiadynich detained by police

On 8 September Henadz Fiadynich, Chair of the Independent Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry, was detained by the Salihorsk road police.

13.09.2011 Anatol Liabedzka got detained at Domodedovo airport

The leader of the United Civil Party and former political prisoner Anatol Liabedzka was detained in the Moscow airport Domodedovo on his way to Washington. He managed to inform the Russian politician Leonid Gozman about it.

07.09.2011 Vaukavysk: civil activist tried for invitations to People's Assembly

Vaukavysk-based civil activist Vital Huliak received a writ to the Vaukavysk District Court. He will be tried on Friday for “picketing with the aim to call to the People's Assembly appointed on 8 October 2011”.

06.09.2011 Homel: four people detained for collecting signatures

At about 7 p.m. in Yubileinaya Street in Homel the police detained four civil activists who were collecting signatures for holding the People's Assembly in Homel on 8 October in order to discuss the political and economical situation and set forth proposals and demands to the authorities.

05.09.2011 Homel: civil activist detained for borrowing money

On 4 September civil activist Vasil Takarenka was detained in Homel by officers of the economical crime department dressed in civil clothes.

05.09.2011 Activist of Speak Truth! movement detained for trafficking illegal printed materials

A Mahiliou-based activist of the Speak Truth! movement has been charged with the production and distribution of illegal print material after her car was pulled over by road traffic police 10 kilometers away from the city on Saturday afternoon.

02.09.2011 Barysau: police detain Anatol Askerka and Mikalai Pakhabau

Civil activists Anatol Askerka and Mikalai Pakhabau were detained while collecting signatures in support of holding the People’s Assembly in Barysau.

02.09.2011 Homel: fine to Halina Staraselets left standing

On 2 September the Tsentralny District Court of Homel repeatedly considered the administrative case against Halina Staraselets. She was again found guilty of using obscene language in public (Article 17.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences) and was fined 105,000 rubles.

02.09.2011 Hrodna: Viktar Sazonau received charges

On 2 September Viktar Sazonau, human rights defender from Hrodna, was summonsed to the police station in Haradnichanskaya Street. There he was informed that a report for violation of Article 22.9, “unlawful production and distribution of unregistered printed production”, had been drawn up on him.

01.09.2011 Babruisk: police detain youth coordinator of Belarusian Christian Democracy

As told to the press-service of the Belarusian Christian Democracy by A.Sapeha, on 29 or 30 August the Babruisk police detained Maksim Ryzhkevich, a coordinator of the Young Christian Democrats (BCD Youth).

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