News on the topic: detention

25.07.2013 Police detain independent journalist “by mistake”

A correspondent of Belorusy i Rynok newspaper was detained by mistake after the trial in Uladzimir Niakliaeu's case.

16.07.2013 Opposition activist detained on border

Pro-democratic Zmitser Kaspiarovich was detained by the Belarusian border troops, Aksana Samuilava, activist of the Tell the Truth campaign told Viasna. Zmitser Kaspiarovich phoned her and asked her to tell about his detention to journalists and human rights defenders.

"Nasha Niva" journalists get detained

10.07.2013 "Nasha Niva" journalists get detained

On 10 July the journalists of the independent newspaper "Nasha Niva" Mikita Dubaleka and Iryna Arakhouskaya were detained in the center of Minsk, allegedly for identification.

08.07.2013 BCD activist to stand trial for commemoration of Dzmitry Zavadzki

The BCD steering committee's member, Pavel Prakapovich, was detained on Sunday, July 7 in Minsk.

05.07.2013 Two young opposition activists arrested ahead of Independence Day celebrations get two-day jail terms

Two young opposition activists who were preventively arrested by police in Minsk on July 2 ahead of Independence Day celebrations were sentenced to two days in jail on Thursday.

Mahiliou UCP activist detained in picket against Russian air base

04.07.2013 Mahiliou UCP activist detained in picket against Russian air base

An activist of the United Civil Party’s Mahiliou office Mikalai Hladyshau staged today a picket to protest against the deployment of a Russian air base in Belarus, and was eventually detained by local police. After a while, he was released but told to appear at the police department later for further procedures.

27.06.2013 Three arrested journalists released, Shumchanka remaining in custody

The three journalists who were arrested by police in Minsk on Thursday have been released, while Anatol Shumchanka, leader of a small business association called Perspektyva, remains in custody.

Journalists detained in entrepreneurs’ strike in Minsk

27.06.2013 Journalists detained in entrepreneurs’ strike in Minsk

Minsk police detained several journalists during a strike staged by entrepreneurs to protest against new regulations of the Customs Union.

17.06.2013 Belsat reporter shortly detained in Staubtsy district

The detention took place at about 3 p.m. on June 16, while Ales Silich, journalist of the Belsat independent TV channel, was making a story in Staubtsy district, where, according to some reports, a suspicious pig pestilence was recently noticed, the BAJ press-service reports.

Minsk police detain girl for hanging newspaper "Nash Dom"

05.06.2013 Minsk police detain girl for hanging newspaper "Nash Dom"

The detention was carried out at about 3.30 p.m. on 5 June. As stated by the editor of "Vitsebski Kur'yer" Aleh Barshcheuski, Natallia Liavonava was detained for handing out the newspaper "Nash Dom".

Brest:UN Human Rights Committee recognizes violation of the personal immunity of Zhana Koush

03.06.2013 Brest:UN Human Rights Committee recognizes violation of the personal immunity of Zhana Koush

The UN Human Rights Committee has taken a decision on a complaint filed by a Brest activist of the Movement "For Freedom", Zhana Koush. The decision states that Belarus violated her right to freedom and personal immunity by unlawful detention.

31.05.2013 Pavel Vinahradau detained because of CIS summit

The activist of opposition has been detained for the second day in a row. Pavel Vinahradau wrote that on his Facebook account.

Prosecutor's office covers unlawful actions of KGB

15.05.2013 Prosecutor's office covers unlawful actions of KGB

The prosecutor's office found no violations in the actions of the KGB officers who had detained a Klimavichy activist of the civic initiative "Tell the Truth".

Pavel Vinahradau shown prophylactic films for nine hours at police station

10.05.2013 Pavel Vinahradau shown prophylactic films for nine hours at police station

At about 7 a.m. on 9 May the leader of "Zmena" (the youth wing of the civil campaign "Tell The Truth") Pavel Vinahradau was taken to the police station out of his apartment. He was released from the police department only on 4.45 p.m.

Babruisk: customs officers are ready to return Niakliayeu's poems to political activist

01.05.2013 Babruisk: customs officers are ready to return Niakliayeu's poems to political activist

The leader of Babruisk branch of the United Civil Party Viktar Buzinayeu received a notice from the customs officers due to the "completion of the customs examination". Bear in mind that on 29 March the Buzinayeus' car was detained on the border and several brochures and a book of Uladzimir Niakliayeu's poems were found in it.

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