News on the topic: Belarus

28.05.2009 Oppositionist expelled from university for graffiti “Freedom to Autukhovich!”

“Young Front” activist Pyotr Ruzau was expelled from Baranavichy State University.

On May 12, the student of the Faculty of Finance and Law got an appropriate order signed by the rector. The document says the reason for expulsion is “violation of internal regulations”, press service of “Young Front” reports.

Ruzau was fined for drawing graffiti “Freedom to Autukhovich!” on the wall of the meat-processing factory.

“KGB and militia officers have visited the university several times this year, they threatened to expel me for my public activity. The trial for graffiti was obviously the last drop,” Pyotr Ruzau told.

27.05.2009 Investigation of demolition of crosses in Kurapaty extended

Investigation of the criminal case of destruction of six memorial crosses in Kurapaty was extended till June 20.

BelaPAN has learnt this from an anonymous officer of the Baraulyany district militia department of Minsk.

The case was instigated on April 20 under part 1 of article 339 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism).

Four crosses were destroyed on the eastern edge of Kurapaty, two on the northern side near Zaslaue–Kalodzishchy road. The broken crosses were found by activists of the Conservative Christian Party BPF in the morning April 17. Militia officers, called to the site, conducted necessary investigative actions, including taking photo, measuring, questioning CCP-BPF activists.

12.05.2009 Brest: desecration of monument to ghetto prisoners

The monument to ghetto prisoners in Brest center at intersection of Dziarzhynsk and Kuibyshau Streets, was desecrated in the night of 9-10 May.

Belarusian authorities banned recuperation trips of children to Switzerland

04.05.2009 Belarusian authorities banned recuperation trips of children to Switzerland

400 Belarusian children from regions contaminated with radiation won’t be able to go for recuperation any more.

03.04.2009 Two graves have been dug out in Kurapaty

Graves of victims of Stalin’s repressions were defaced in Kurapaty memorial complex – human remains were thrown about.

20.03.2009 Young Front activist faces expulsion from school for participation in Freedom Day

One of these days Andrus Tychyna, Young Front activist from Salihorsk, was summoned to the city executive committee for a “preventive” talk with the deputy head of education department Ala Barodzich.

The official threatened to the eleven-form student with expulsion in a plain language. She stated that is case he would take part in the rally on Freedom Day on March 25 in Minsk, he could forget about General Certificate of Secondary Education, the website writes.

20.02.2009 Vandals to escape punishment?

Minsk city police department has initiated an investigation into the cases of defilement of the Kurapaty memorial forest on the outskirts of Minsk on 1 November 2008. According to head of Minsk regional investigation department Dzmitry Siarchenia, the investigation will last for at least a month. On 11 January 2009 Minsk district police suspended the criminal case against two youngsters accused of defiling the memorial. However, in late January 2009 Deputy Prosecutor General of Minsk district resolved to recommence the prosecution due to the absence of the delinquent.

09.02.2009 Arrests and searches in Vaukavysk

The apartment of Mikalai Aksamit, former member of the Supreme Soviet of the 12th Convocation, member of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, was searched.

09.02.2009 Arrests and searches in Vaukavysk

The apartment of Mikalai Aksamit, former member of the Supreme Soviet of the 12th Convocation, member of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, was searched.

06.02.2009 Prosecutor’s Office finds illegal closing of criminal case on vandalism in Kurapaty

The Prosecutor’s office of Minsk district found illegal the cessation of the criminal persecution of the youngsters suspected in acts of vandalism in Kurapaty forest, the place of mass burial of victims of Stalin’s repressions.

21.01.2009 In search of efficient means to protect Kurapaty memorial forest from vandals

According to BelaPAN, at a special press-conference on 21 January, head of the Belarusian Society for the Protection of Monuments Anton Astapovich suggested creating a public committee for the protection of the Kurapaty memorial forest, located on the outskirts of Minsk. Mr.Astapovich said the committee will have to coordinate its activity with the official custodian of the memorial Maya Kliashtornaya.

19.01.2009 Expulsion for picket?

According to, Illya Kavalei, student of Salihorsk economic college, applied for holding a picket against the vulnerability of Belarusian citizens to the economic policy of the state. Two days later he was invited for a conversation by the college administration. During the conversation he was threatened to be expelled from the college or even criminal prosecution.

14.01.2009 Another civil activist is expelled from educational establishment

Aliaksei Zmushko, coordinator of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy in Rechytsa, has been expelled from Agricultural Academy of Horki.

12.01.2009 Criminal case against Kurapaty vandals is dropped

Barauliany branch of Minsk district police department dropped the criminal case against the two youngsters who were detained on the eve of Dziady holiday (ancestors’ day, celebrated on 2 November) for breaking memorial crosses in Kurapaty wood, where many people were shot during Stalin’s rule.

08.01.2009 Belarusian authorities continue expelling foreign priests

Deputy parish priest of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary church wasn’t prolonged his permit for religious activity in Belarus.

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