News on the topic: Belarus

27.09.2007 Justice Department Concludes Amicable Agreement with Supolnasc

Today the justice department of Minsk city executive committee agreed with the proposed conditions of amicable agreement with Civic Society Center Supolnasc NGO

14.09.2007 Zmitser Zhaleznichenka Appeals Expulsion from University to Education Minister

On 12 September Zhaleznichenka was officially informed about his expulsion from Homel State University for ‘systematic violations of the internal regulations’. Zhaleznichenka is a student with an excellent progress. The average mark he received at exams was ‘nine’ of the possible ‘ten’. He is also an activist of the local core organization Talaka and the BPF Youth.

13.09.2007 Zmitser Zhaleznichenka Expelled from Homel State University for Political Reasons

The dean of the mathematic faculty of Frantsishak Skaryna Homel State University has passed to Zmitser Zhaleznichenka, a third-year student with an excellent progress, an excerpt from the order of the rector Aliaksandr Rahachou to expel him from the university because of ‘regular violation of the internal regulations’.

07.08.2007 Minsk City Court Satisfies Suit of Expelled Student

On 15 May 2007 a four-year student Yury Aleinik was expelled from the Management Academy of the president of Belarus for alleged truancy. During his study Aleinik demonstrated an excellent progress. He stated that the expulsion was a revenge for his public position and political views. In April 2007 he participated in collection of signatures under a public appeal to the Chamber of Representatives for saving of social benefits to students. The activist also chairs Minsk regional organization of Frantsysk Skaryna Belarusian Language Society.

07.08.2007 Reporters Without Borders: Alarm over Lukashenka’s Threat to Put End to Online ‘Anarchy’

Reporters Without Borders voiced deep concern about President Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s comments during a visit to the state-owned daily Ыovetskaya Belorussiya, when he said the government planned to increase its control of the Internet and ‘put an end to the anarchy’ online.

12.07.2007 Yury Aleinik Does Not Give In

On 11 July Yury Aleinik applied to Minsk city court with the request to find his case liable for court consideration and return it to Kastrychnitski court of Minsk. He was told that the complaint would be considered either on 6 or 13 August.

12.07.2007 Workers Can Come out to Streets

Workers of Minsk Ball-Bearing Works sent a group letter to the President’s Administration and the State Control Committee asking to check the works and expressing their readiness to street actions for defending their rights.

06.07.2007 Court Dismisses Case on Suit of Expelled Student

The case on the suit of Yuras Aleinink is dismissed as “beyond the jurisdiction of the court”. Kastrychnitski court of Minsk Judge Sofia Prakapovich made that decision on July 5th.

05.07.2007 Hearing of Yuras Aleinik’s Suit Lasts 7.5 Hours

The student has no illusions about the outcome of the hearing.

27.06.2007 Yuras Aleinik to Be Tried on July 4th

Human rights activist Aleh Hulak was removed from the courtroom

22.06.2007 Members of BPF Party to Fight for Bicycle Parking Lots

Andrus Ihnatovich, member of BPF Youth, and Franak Viachorka, member of BPF Council, applied to Minsk authorities for permission to hold a picket. The goal of the picket is to raise the issue of bicycle parking lots for students and other Minsk residents. According to Ihnatovich, who initiated the picket, the problem should be solved jointly by Minsk authorities and administrations of the universities located in the city.

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