News on the topic: statement

We will not stop our activities: statement by Human Rights Center “Viasna” concerning a warning by General Prosecutor’s Office

17.02.2011 We will not stop our activities: statement by Human Rights Center “Viasna” concerning a warning by General Prosecutor’s Office

On 16 February 2011, Ales Bialiatski, chair of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” and vice-president of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), received an official warning on the inadmissibility of lawbreaking signed by Deputy Prosecutor General Mr. Kuklis.

Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders urges  Belarusian  authorities  to  refrain  from  harassing  human  rights  defenders

27.01.2011 Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders urges Belarusian authorities to refrain from harassing human rights defenders

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), has received new information and requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Belarus.

Polish lawyers support Belarusian advocates

25.01.2011 Polish lawyers support Belarusian advocates

The Human Rights Commission of the Supreme Council of the Bar Association of Poland has released a statement, expressing its deep concern over the recent facts, when the arrested after the 19 December protest, including four former presidential candidates, have been unable to access their legal counsels.

No Swiss Skiing for Lukashenko: Swiss human rights group demands an entry ban for the  Belarusian president

24.01.2011 No Swiss Skiing for Lukashenko: Swiss human rights group demands an entry ban for the Belarusian president

Human rights group Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights urges the Swiss government to immediately impose an entry ban on the Belarusian president Lukashenko and further high ranking officials of Belarus. The reason therefor is the detention of dozens of political prisoners and the massive intimidation campaign against the civil society.

Evaluation of Events Related to the Presidential Election: Position of the Human Rights Center "Viasna"

20.01.2011 Evaluation of Events Related to the Presidential Election: Position of the Human Rights Center "Viasna"

The Human Rights Centre "Viasna", as one of the participants of the national monitoring mission “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”, cannot but mention some improvements at separate stages of the campaign, but in general, believes the 2010 presidential election fell short of a number of key international standards for democratic elections. The Election of the President of the Republic of Belarus has neither been recognized as free nor democratic by the OSCE / ODIHR international election observation mission. Since 1996, no Belarusian election campaigns, including presidential ones of 2001 and 2006, have been recognized by OSCE as compliant with international standards for free and democratic elections.

Euro Parliament HR chief expresses concern over recent harassment of “Viasna” activists

19.01.2011 Euro Parliament HR chief expresses concern over recent harassment of “Viasna” activists

Heidi Anneli Hautala, chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament, has released a statement at her personal web-site, saying that she “received with great alarm the news of yet another search at the Viasna Human Rights Centre in Minsk and a brief arrest of the Centre’s President, Mr Ales Bialiatski, on 17th of January.”



The Observatory urges the authorities of Belarus to put an end to all forms of harassment against the above-mentioned organisations and their members, in particular Mr. Ales Bialiatski and ensure that in all circumstances its members are able to carry out their work freely without any hindrances.

24.12.2010 Lithuania's parliament passes resolution critical of Belarus' election

Lithuania's parliament on Thursday passed a resolution criticizing Belarus' presidential election and the brutal crackdown on the opposition's street protest on the election night, BelaPAN said.

24.12.2010 Netherlands urges EU to «take new measures against Belarusian regime»

The Dutch government has called on the European Union to "take new measures against the Belarusian regime," said the press office of the Dutch foreign ministry.

International HR groups demand release of EHU students and teachers

23.12.2010 International HR groups demand release of EHU students and teachers

Numerous human rights organizations, including the Human Rights House Foundation (Norway), the Belarusian Human Rights House in exile (Lithuania), Civil Belarus (Czech Republic), Belarus Watch (Lithuania) address Belarusian President Lukashenka with a letter, condemning the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters, detentions and battery of journalists, human rights defenders and opposition candidates during the 19 December post-election rally in Minsk.

Election aftermath: Call to stop violence and release the detained

21.12.2010 Election aftermath: Call to stop violence and release the detained

Over 50 partners of the Human Rights House Network sent a letter of concern to the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko today, condemning the crackdown on demonstrators, arrests and beatings of journalists, human rights defenders and opposition candidates, which happened in the aftermath of the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010 in Belarus.

Assembly of Pro-Dem NGOs condemns mass repressions against peaceful protesters

21.12.2010 Assembly of Pro-Dem NGOs condemns mass repressions against peaceful protesters

The Belarusian Assembly of Pro-Democratic NGOs released a statement, condemning the mass repressions against the peaceful protesters, detained on 19 and 20 December in Minsk.

Viasna’s statement on detention conditions of businessman Bandarenka

25.11.2010 Viasna’s statement on detention conditions of businessman Bandarenka

Member of the National Committee of the United Civic Party, candidate for Parliament during the 2008 election Andrei Bandarenka is serving a sentence in Babruisk penal colony, where he has been repeatedly subject to harassment by the colony’s administration, including repeated ungrounded incarceration, disciplinary sanctions, refusals of medical aid.

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