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Journalist and human rights activist Uladzimir Khilmanovich is being tried in absentia in Hrodna

2024 2024-07-30T14:03:28+0300 2024-07-30T14:03:28+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

On July 29, the Hrodna Regional Court began to try journalist and human rights defender Uladzimir Khilmanovich in absentia. He is charged under two articles of the Criminal Code: Part 3 of Article 361-1 (creation of an extremist formation or participation in it) and Parts 1 and 2 of Article 361-4 (assistance to extremist activities). But the essence of the accusation is unknown even to the human rights defender himself. Uladzimir faces up to seven years of imprisonment in absentia. Ihar Sobalei is handling the case. On July 30, the trial continues. 

Uladzimir Khilmanovich

Uladzimir Khilmanovich has not lived in Belarus for more than three years. The criminal case against him was initiated in November 2023. All the journalist's property has been confiscated.

"From a legal point of view, there is nothing to analyze here, because all the legal norms have been violated. This illegal criminal case is obviously planned political persecution for my journalistic and public activities. It is obvious that the authorities just attack well-known Hrodna activists one by one. For many years I have been a member of various public organizations and published on various websites. Therefore, I don't even know exactly which 'extremist formation' they imply. Apart from the articles that I am accused under, I don't know anything. None of the investigators made any attempt to contact me, although it is not difficult. No one informed at what stage the case was and when it was transferred to the prosecutor's office and then to the court. Even on the website of the Investigative Committee in the 'special proceedings' section, where I appear under number 73, there is still no information that the investigation of the case has been completed and it has been sent to the prosecutor's office. They were supposed to appoint a lawyer for the trial, but he didn't try to contact me either. However, it is difficult to be surprised in conditions of total lawlessness,Uladzimir commented on the situation to Haradzenskaya Pravaabarona.

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