News on the topic: statement

International Observation Mission condemns obstruction to mass media

24.06.2011 International Observation Mission condemns obstruction to mass media

The International Observation Mission expresses deep concern about the fact that recent months have demonstrated the negative effects of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Mass Media” in the part of regulating the professional activities of foreign mass media.

FIDH and <em>Viasna</em> demand to stop cruel treatment and torture of Mikita Likhavid

09.06.2011 FIDH and Viasna demand to stop cruel treatment and torture of Mikita Likhavid

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Human Rights Centre Viasna demand to stop cruel treatment and torture of political prisoner Mikita Likhavid

International Observation Mission calls for publicity of 19 December trials

25.04.2011 International Observation Mission calls for publicity of 19 December trials

The International Observation Mission has addressed chairs of Minsk district courts with a demand to guarantee the publicity of the forthcoming court proceedings on charges against the persons involved in the 19 December 2010 mass riot criminal case.

Statement of the Steering Council of the Committee on International Control

22.04.2011 Statement of the Steering Council of the Committee on International Control

The participating organizations of the Committee on International Control over the Situation with Human Rights in Belarus are concerned about the situation regarding representatives of the International Observation Mission, established under the auspices of the Committee. These concerns are especially relevant in light of recent invocation of the OSCE Moscow Mechanism with regard to Belarus and also in the light of statements of representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus containing claims that Belarus strictly observes all OSCE commitments in the human dimension.

21.04.2011 Stop Persecution of Our Colleagues! Statement of the Belarusian Association of Journalists

The Belarusian Association of Journalists protests vigorously against numerous facts of persecution of journalists and media that have been taking in Belarus since recently.

 Viasna condemns criminal prosecution of Andrzej Poczobut

11.04.2011 Viasna condemns criminal prosecution of Andrzej Poczobut

On 28 March 2011, it was reported that Hronda Regional Prosecutor’s Office initiated criminal proceedings against Andrzej Poczobut, reporter of the Polish Gazeta Wyborcza weekly and leader of the opposition Union of Poles. The journalist faces charges under Par. 1 Art. 368 of the Criminal Code (“insult of the President of the Republic of Belarus”) for eight publications in Gazeta Wyborcza, one article on and a post in his personal blog

European Criminal Bar Association condemns disbarment of Belarusian lawyers

30.03.2011 European Criminal Bar Association condemns disbarment of Belarusian lawyers

The European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA) was informed by the Human Right Committee of the Polish Bar and other sources of attempts by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus to initiate and endorse restrictions and disbarment against several lawyers who have undertaken the defence of persons suspected or accused of participating in the events that took place in Minsk on 19–20 December 2010.

Viasna protests against bans and censorship of musical bands

21.03.2011 Viasna protests against bans and censorship of musical bands

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” has released a statement protesting against the reimposure of anti-Constitutional practice of bans and censorship of musical bands and performers.

European lawyers address Minister of Justice

17.03.2011 European lawyers address Minister of Justice

The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe has addressed Belarusian Minister of Justice Viktar Halavanau with an open letter, expressing its concern over the recent facts of harassment of Belarusian advocates.

Russian Solidarnost demands to release Gaponov and Breus

24.02.2011 Russian Solidarnost demands to release Gaponov and Breus

The Solidarnost Russian liberal democratic political movement has released a petition demanding release of Ivan Gaponov and Artyom Breus, together with all the detainees in the 19 December criminal case.

22.02.2011 UN human rights chief concerned over first sentence in riot case

Navi Pillay, UN high commissioner for human rights, on Monday expressed deep concern at what she described as a harsh sentence handed down to Belarusian opposition activist Vasil Parfiankou, BelaPAN said.

International Observation Mission calls for open trials

21.02.2011 International Observation Mission calls for open trials

On 21 February the International Observation Mission released a statement, urging the Belarusian authorities, in particular the Supreme Court, together with separate courts, to secure free access of the Mission’s observers to courtrooms during the trials of the detainees in the 19 December mass riot criminal case.

Alliance Defense Fund Legal Counsel urges the Ministry of Justice and the Belarus Republican Bar Association "to vacate their current punitive actions towards lawyers"

21.02.2011 Alliance Defense Fund Legal Counsel urges the Ministry of Justice and the Belarus Republican Bar Association "to vacate their current punitive actions towards lawyers"

Roger Kiska, legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, a legal alliance of more than 1700 lawyers dedicated to the protection of religious freedom internationally, has addressed the Belarusian Ministry of Justice and the Republican Bar Association with a statement, expressing his concern "with the existing treatment of lawyers who are currently defending individuals, particularly from opposition parties, who were imprisoned as a result of post-election peaceful demonstrations."

Observatory  for  the Protection of Human Rights Defenders urges  the  Belarusian  authorities  to repeal the warning issued against Mr. Ales Bialatski

18.02.2011 Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders urges the Belarusian authorities to repeal the warning issued against Mr. Ales Bialatski

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Belarus.

We will not stop our activities: statement by Human Rights Center “Viasna” concerning a warning by General Prosecutor’s Office

17.02.2011 We will not stop our activities: statement by Human Rights Center “Viasna” concerning a warning by General Prosecutor’s Office

On 16 February 2011, Ales Bialiatski, chair of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” and vice-president of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), received an official warning on the inadmissibility of lawbreaking signed by Deputy Prosecutor General Mr. Kuklis.

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