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Haradok: Observers allege rigged info on requests for home voting

2015 2015-09-29T16:56:46+0300 2015-09-29T16:56:46+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Leanid Haravy, an observer in the town of Haradok, Viciebsk region, has noted controversial trends concerning local voters who wish to vote at home.

According to Haravy, who is officially accredited at five polling stations, he witnessed similar situation in each of them. The special lists of voters who cannot come to the polling station to vote do not mention the date and time of the submission of their requests, as required by Annex No. 10 to the CEC decision No. 11.

Moreover, Leanid Haravy has serious doubts that in just one day, September 23, as suggested by the documents provided by the commission members, two officials who were on duty at the polling station from 5 to 7 p.m. could have received over 100 voters’ applications.

The same situation is reported by local activist Leanid Autukhou, the website said. Mr. Autukhou is accredited as an observer at polling station No. 3, where on the first day of the commission’s activities there were recorded 157 people who wanted to vote at home. Meanwhile, it is one-tenth of the total number of voters registered within the polling station territory.

On September 24, Leanid Haravy sent to the Haradok district election commission five complaints against violations of the voters’ freedom of expression. The observer asks to invalidate the voters’ lists and to oblige the election commissions to meet legal requirements when compiling the lists.

"Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections"

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