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Websites of district executive committees in Brest region inform only about collection of signatures only for the incumbent

2015 2015-08-04T14:01:11+0300 2015-08-04T14:01:12+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Most internet pages of the executive power in the region quite modestly inform about the campaign for the presidential elections in Belarus and are confined to official reports on the establishment of election commissions at the local level.

However, while presenting news about the current stage of the election campaign (collection of signatures for nomination of candidates for the presidency), they only mention the name of one of the contenders. For instance, according to a posting on the website of Drahičyn District Executive Committee, there is a "campaign" to collect signatures in support of presidential candidates of the Republic of Belarus. Meanwhile, the website only tells that the electoral team of the incumbent president of the country is quite active, "since it is necessary to collect at least 100,000 signatures of voters for the registration of a candidate". Next to the article, there are corresponding photos. It is impossible to learn about any other contenders for the presidency except for Aliaksandr Lukashenka here.

The article at the website of Ivacevičy DEC has a heading that clearly indicate that signatures are collected only for the incumbent president at electoral pickets, organized by the local activists of the federation of trade unions and the pro-governmental NGO “Bielaja Ruś”.

The article at the website of Luniniec DEC has a similar heading. It mentions the surnames of Lukashenka's electoral team and is illustrated by corresponding photos of electoral pickets.

The website of Kobryn DEC also informs about the collection of signatures for nominating Aliaksandr Lukashenka and indicates the place of the picket, where activists of the district branch of “Bielaja Ruś” can be seen almost everyday – near the “Lakomka” cafe.

Liachavičy DEC posted at its website an article saying that the electoral team of the incumbent President consists of members of “constructive” NGOs – the district branches of “Bielaja Ruś”, BRSM and trade-unions. The publication also mentions the places where electoral pickets in support of Lukashenka are held in Liachavičy, as well as in the agrarian settlements Navasiolki and Žarebkavičy.

"Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections

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