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No opposition in territorial election commissions of Mahilioŭ and Orša

2015 2015-07-21T14:20:42+0300 2015-07-21T14:20:42+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

This was reported by human rights activist Barys Bukhel, who attended today, July 21, a joint meeting of the Mahilioŭ City Executive Committee and the City Council.

He also noted that members of the opposition did not nominate their candidates to the territorial election commissions of Lieninski and Kastryčnicki districts of Mahilioŭ.

“The Belarusian Left Party "Fair World" nominated one of its representatives to the commission of one of these districts, but the submitted documents were inaccurate, and therefore the representative was not included in the commission. The mistake was that the person was nominated from the regional branch of the party, and he should have been nominated from the district office,” said Barys Bukhel.

The human rights activist also noted that another representative from the democratic forces was nominated by collecting signatures, however, was not included in the commission, as the officials said that her party affiliation was not directly stated.

As a result, the officials formed two territorial election commissions, 13 persons each, who were mainly nominated by the pro-government organizations and labor collectives.

Similarly, the district election commission of Orša will have no representatives of the opposition parties.

Two members of democratic parties tried to become members of the election commission: Valiantsina Ihnatsenka, an activist of the UCP, and Mikalai Dziamidau, a representative of the Belarusian Party of the Left "Fair World".

Local BHC representative Vasil Berasneu notes:

“At a meeting of the Presidium of the Regional Council and the Orša District Executive Committee, it was stated that the two opposition parties provided documents with errors – nominated their members from the city branches, although the commission is a district one. A couple of years ago, the Orša city executive committee was abolished by combining it with the district executive committee. And now we have no city authorities, and no city election commission. However, the city of Orša is still here! And there are municipal party offices. However, nominating activists from them is a mistake, as it turns out.”

Vasil Berasneu himself was not allowed to attend the meeting of the District Council and District Executive Committee, which formed the commission.

"Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections"

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