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Mahilioŭ region: media show lack of interest to beginning of election campaign

2015 2015-07-09T14:26:51+0300 2015-07-20T17:06:06+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The campaign for the presidential election of the Republic of Belarus has not yet aroused great interest among the state media of the Mahilioŭ region.

The district newspapers of the Mahilioŭ region have reprinted the press-releases of BelTA, telling that the presidential elections in Belarus would be held October 11, and comments of the CEC Chairperson Lidziya Yarmoshyna that the campaign should go without turmoil. The bulk of the district state-owned newspapers also published the opinion of the deputy chairman of the Standing Committee on National Security of the House of Representatives Viktar Rusak that the presidential elections should appear a as a rallying point rather than a tool to split the society.

Most of the district newspapers of the Mahilioŭ region haven't published any articles about the elections, authored by their staff.

This week, banners dedicated to the presidential elections have appeared at the majority of the websites of the district executive committees of the Mahilioŭ region. After clicking on them one can find information about the elections, presented by the Central Election Commission, as well as information about the receipt of documents for the nomination of representatives of the district election commissions. As of the morning of July 9, such banner was absent only at the website of the Klimavičy District Executive Committee. So far, this website presents to the attention of readers only the resolution of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus "On the appointment of the presidential elections of the Republic of Belarus".

"Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections"

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