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Political prisoner Alinevich is being threatened to be transferred from the colony to the closed prison.

2014 2014-10-17T14:40:50+0300 2014-10-17T14:40:50+0300 en
Ihar Alinevich

Ihar Alinevich

Administration of the colony "Vitsba-3" expressed a threat to transfer the political prisoner to the closed prison during a conversation with family and lawyer of Ihar Alinevich.
 "Our meeting with the son was scheduled to the end of September but for a couple of days, we received a call from the administration of "Vitsba- "and they reported that the meeting postponed because Ihar was punished ten days in an isolation ward for a disciplinary violation - said in an interview with Svaboda Ihar's mother Valentina. - Ten days later we learned that aftere the first isolation ward was a second, and for the second - the third. "

What a malicious thing should have done my son to being punished in such a way? - asks Ihar’s parents, and therefore decided to learn about it directly from the prison authorities without delay.
As it turned out, a political prisoner refused toclean the toilets, because then would get alowerprisonstatus.After 10dayshe had the same order. And againe Alinevich refused to do it.

"The third punishment was for the fact that the guards allegedly heard that a political prisoner, who spent all these 30 days in the isolation ward, as if talking to inmates that are in the next cell ... However, with the same success our son - says Valentina - could read aloud any verse, he knows a lot. What else to do in isolation ward, where a person is not allowed to write or read? "
Ihar’s father also reported that the prison administration explained him the following penalties for Ihar Alinevich in case of disobedience, the prisoner may be isolated in ward-type room, and then - transferred to the so-called "closed" prison.

Former political prisoner Mikhalai Autukhovich, who in his time as a malicious infringer of the prison regime was transferred from colony of Ivatsevichi to "closed" prison of Grodno, commented the situation as follows:
"Most likely it looks as though there is an instruction to make Alinevich to be violator of the regime and condemn him to the article №411 under which he has to be taken in more stringent than in the colony regime."
In the isolation ward political prisoner should stay until October 20.
Activist of the anarchist movement Ihar Alinevich served four of the eight years of sentence in prison. He didn’t admit his guilt (vandalism against the official buildings). And he also refused to write a petition for mercy. Behind the bars he wrote a book about his being in the KGB prison "Going to Magadan" ("Yedu v Magadan").

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