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Belarusian Popular Front introduces abolition of death penalty in its party program

2014 2014-10-14T15:55:57+0300 2014-10-14T16:29:13+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The recentcongress of the Belarusian Popular Front, which took place in Minsk on Saturday, adopted many decisions declarations and changes to the program of the party.

of such innovations was the point of the program concerning the abolition of the death penalty in Belarus: "The death penalty needs to be abolished, as a kind of penalty which is incompatible with the modern legal system of European countries and irreversible in the cases of miscarriage of justice. Abolition of the death penalty is a necessary condition for the full accession of Belarus to the Council of Europe."

Chairman of the BPF
Aliaksei Yanukevich believes that "the death penalty should be abolished if Belarus wants to integrate into the international European institutions and focus on the value standards of human rights. Now it is reflected in our party program. Working for the promotion of our program values, we will also promote a the new point on the abolition of the death penalty quite intensively and consistently. "


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