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Opposition activist Aleh Keral secretly sentenced to ten days of arrest

2014 2014-08-07T20:03:31+0300 2014-08-07T20:03:31+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
"Alternative" activist Aleh Keral. Photo by

"Alternative" activist Aleh Keral. Photo by

The fact that Aleh Keral was sentenced to ten days in jail became known on August 7, although the activist was detained back on August 5. As stated by the press-service of “Alternative”, he was detained for no reasons.


"Mr. Keral was taken to the police station where he was charged under Article 17.1 of the Administrative Code, "disorderly conduct". Then he was taken to court, where he was found guilty of disorderly conduct and sentenced to ten days of arrest. He managed to report this incident through his mobile phonne when he was taken to the detention center of the Main Police Bureau of the Minsk City Executive Committee. We don't know anything more than that,” the press-servvice of the organization told Charter'97.

The leadership of “Alternative” believes that the arrest of the activist is related to his activities in the campaign "For Independent Belarus". In particular, Aleh Keral participated in the hanging of a white-red-white symbols and propaganda banners, as well as the dissemination of printed materials calling to protect sovereignty and democracy in Belarus.

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