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No opposition activists included in territorial and constituency election commission in Homel region

2014 2014-01-08T21:32:48+0300 2014-01-08T21:32:48+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The territorial and constituency election commissions of the Homel region are completely "sterile". The representativs of the Left Party "Fair World" and the United Civil Party weren't included in any of them. According to the Central Election Commission, 60 constituency commissions, consisting of 780 members, were formed in the Homel region.

5.6% of the commissioners are “representatigves of political parties” - the Party of Communists of Belarus (29 people and the Republican Party of Labor and Justice (15). It should be added that this party is active only during elections.

45.4% (354 commissioners) are representatives of such public associations as "Belaya Rus", Belarusian Republican Youth Union and official trade unions. However, as we have repeatedly reported, this is often used as a disguise for officers of executive committees and other power structures.

The UCP nominated 11 representatives to the commissions, “Fair World” – 39 people. However, none of them were included in the commissions.

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