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Pinsk trade unions oppose the decrease of the level of the social protection of workers

2013 2013-11-06T15:38:01+0300 2013-11-06T15:38:01+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The trade union committee of the Pinsk enterprise of housing and communal services issued a statement about the inadmissibility of unjustified reduction of benefits for temporary disability and maternity leave.

Its blank disagreement was raised by the ruling of the Belarusian government No. 569 , which deals with the issue of new rules and payment for disability leaves. According to the document , the number of days that are paid at the rate of 80% of the average daily earnings is increased, and the period of calculations is increased from two to six months. According to the trade unionists of Pinsk, the changes the order of calculation of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth significantly reduce the social security of workers and lead to a reduction of the existing guarantees. The statement, supported by the trade union committee of the Pinsk communal services, states the need to initiate changes and additions to the Decree № 569 of the Government in compliance with the procedure for the adoption of legal acts concerning labor and social- economic interests of workers. Otherwise, the document must be canceled.

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