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Brest authorities ignore the demand to repair the road in the neighbourhood of Rechytsa

2013 2013-10-06T19:22:33+0300 2013-10-06T19:22:33+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Residents of this neighborhood have collected about 300 signatures to achieve the improvement of Rechytskaya and Sonechnaya streets, the repair of which has been promised by the local authorities for almost ten years.

As reported by a resident of Brest
Yeva Kavalchuk, for this time the number of cars moving on these streets has increased significantly, and the roads became even worse. The situation is complicated by the fact the absence of sidewalks in these streets (there is just sand instead of them), as a result of which it is difficult even to cross the street. “After the rain, there appear huge puddles and one has to go to the carriage way in order to get around them,” says Yeva Kavalchuk and recalls that the authorities promised to repair the roads back in 2004.

In early September, residents of the neighborhood filed two separate appeals to the Brest City Executive Committee concerning Rechytskaya and Sonechnaya streets. As it follows from the answer, the repair of the street can be started if the financing is find for it. The initiators of the appeals are dissatisfied with such dubious statements of the local officials, the more that they pay no reaction to the fate of Sonechnaya Street. That's why now dwellers of the neighbourhood of Rechytsa intend to appeal the decision of the city authorities at the regional executive committee and remind that the neglect of appeals of citizens is a violation of the law.

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