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Mikalai Statkevich starts getting letters and greetings

2013 2013-08-22T12:33:03+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

Political prisoner and former presidential candidate Mikalai Statkevich finally started receiving birthday greetings and other letters, says the politician's wife Maryna Adamovich. Previously, the messages were almost completely blocked by the administration of the Mahiliou prison No. 4, Radio Racyja reports.

Only two birthday cards were passed to Mikalai Statkevich, although at least a thousand has been sent, says Maryna Adamovich. The imprisoned politician celebrated his 57th birthday on August 12.

“Apparently, it happened after I voiced the situation with the correspondence. It would be very naive to create the impression that the prisoner is left alone, because somehow the truth reaches him. Now he began to receive letters. And in the last week he got about a hundred of them,” says Mrs. Adamovich.

Maryna Adamovich also said that Mikalai Statkevich wrote in his last letter that now he had no health problems. Earlier it was reported that the prisoner had high blood pressure. He even fainted in the cell. Medical aid was not rendered quickly and in due time.

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