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UN Human Rights Committee accepts for consideration a complaint by Valery Rybchanka

2013 2013-08-08T18:07:11+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Human Rights Committee of the UN has registered a communication of the head of the Zhlobin district organization of the “Fair World” Party Valery Rybchanka concerning his unlawful arrest in July 2011.

The communication concerns my detention during the distribution of information materials 3 July 2011, after which the Zhlobin District Court sentenced me to 15 days of arrest, said the activist. “I passed all court instances in Belarus and then decided to apply to the Human Rights Committee of the UN.”

The communication and the comments on it were submitted in March 2012 and January 2013, but were registered by the Human Rights Committee only now, under the numbers 2266 and 2013.

Earlier, the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations has registered a complaint by the Zhlobin members of the “Fair World” concerning the ban on pickets in 2012, issued by the Zhlobin District Executive Committee. The Committee also required more detailed comments on another one, concerning th erigging of the presidential elections in 2010 and the appeals of the activists to various state organs in this regard.

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