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"Secrets of investigation" disclose details about personality of latest death convict

2013 2013-06-04T20:22:07+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Ryhor Yuzepchuk

Ryhor Yuzepchuk

The program "Secrets of investigation", broadcast at the 1st channel of the Belarusian TV on 1 June, was dedicated to the new death convict.

Bear in mind that on 30 April the Mahiliou Regional Prosecutor's Office issued a laconic information about the issue of a death verdict to Ryhor Yuzepchuk, born in 1969 in the Zhymomyr region (Ukraine), homeless, with prior convictions (including for murder), serving a 25-year term for a murder.

Yuzepchuk took the life of his cell-mate, who lost his life to him in a play of dominoes. The peculiarity of the crime is that it was committed in the Mahiliou prison #4.

The video, which can be viewed at the website of the Belarusian State TV and Radio Company, reveals new details of the case, but gives no answer to the question how the murder could be happen in this prison, in the conditions of an especially strict supervision over the convicts.

"The death verdict, issued by the Mahiliou Regional Court, hasn't entered into legal force yet", commented human rights defender Valiantsin Stefanovich. "Theoretically, a death convict can appeal the verdict at the cassation institution – the college board on criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus. The verdict will enter into legal force immediately if the appeal is turned down. After this only a review appeal can be filed to the head of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus or the Prosecutor General, as well as a clemency petition to A. Lukashenka. However, as the experience shows, Yuzepchuk hardly has any chance to save his life. Even the special protective mechanisms of the UN are unable to stop this death line."

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