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BAJ website attacked

2013 2013-04-26T14:52:04+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The website of the Belarusian Association of Journalists has stopped functioning due to a DDoS attack. The denial of service may be caused by the article dedicated to the recent attacks on other websites, press sectary of the organization Barys Haretski said.

Haretski: “The attack started about 30 minutes after the publication of the article “Why do they hack independent websites?”. We are trying to find out where the attack is coming from.”

The website of Charter’97 was attacked on Tuesday. Belarusian Partisan was hacked on Thursday and the hackers claimed that other resources were in danger too. They also changed all the headlines in the websites of the human rights centre Viasna to the opposite ones. Administrator passwords were either stolen or cracked.

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