Siarhei Housha managed to get his cassation appeal considered after five months
On 14 March Baranavichy human rights
defender Siarhei Housha received by mail a ruling of the head of the
Supreme Court of Belarus Valiantsin Sukala abolishing the refusal of
a judge of Brest Region Court (dated 4 October 2012) to consider his
cassation appeal due to the alleged expiry of the terms of
The ruling of the Supreme Court prescribes the
consideration of Housha's appeal at the regional court by another
judge. The case concerns the administrative persecution of Mr. Housha
during the parliamentary elections. After he discovered the rigging
of a report by the election commission of Baranavichy-Western
constituency #5 where he was registered as an election observer, he
was charged with disorderly conduct and subsequently fined 15 basic
Mr. Housha didn't agree with charges of hooliganism
and filed an appeal to Brest Region Court. At the same time, he
applied to the court with the petition to be freed from the payment
of the state fee due to a hard financial situation. Earlier Mr.
Housha used to be partially or wholly exempt from paying fees by
different courts. However, this time Baranavichy judge V. Petryu
stated he wouldn't consider the petition. Instead of it, he returned
the appeal to the plaintiff and refused to consider the case –
first due to the non-payment of the state fee, and then – due to
the expiry of the legal terms of appealing.
Brest Region
Court refused to consider the case on its merits and turned down
Housha's appeal against the decision V. Petryu, after which Mr.
Housha had to apply to the Supreme Court.