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Political prisoner Vasil Parfiankou not allowed to phone home even once

2013 2013-01-03T16:01:07+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en
Vasil Parfiankou

Vasil Parfiankou

Starting from August 2012, when Vasil Parfiankou was put in the Baranavichy detention facility, he has not never been allowed to phone home.

His mother didn't receive a telephone call from him even on the New Year holidays. "I received only a letter, in which he writes that he would not be released on parole," said Valiantsina Parfiankova to Radio "Liberty".

"He wasn't granted parole, which means that he will stay there till the end of the term, 9 February. We prepared a 5-kilo parcel for him and sent it on the New Year's eve. He wrote nothing about the reasons why he had been denied parole, but, as we learned from the Internet, the prison administration has pretensions to him for alleged violations of the regime. Though in his earlier letters he had written that the administration hadn't picked on him, later it was found out that he didn't pass the commission on parole successfully."

According to Valiantsina Parfiankova, the prisoner does not complain about the conditions and writes he is in a good health.

A former defender of the Kurapaty burial ground and participant of the post-election protests of 19 December 2010, Vasil Parfiankou was sentenced to 6 months of arrest for an alleged violation of the regime of prophylactic supervision, imposed on him for participation in an action of solidarity in 2011. He is currently serving a six-month arrest in the Baranavichy pre-trial prison.

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