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Ex-candidate harassed over interview to independent website

2012 2012-10-19T12:26:08+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Socio-political activist Mikalai Ulasevich

Socio-political activist Mikalai Ulasevich

The law enforcement agencies of Astravets district keep harassing former candidate for Parliament Mikalai Ulasevich, who has already been subjected to arbitrary detention, a search and prosecution under administrative procedures on trumped-up charges.

On 16 October, Mikalai Ulasevich’s home was visited by a policeman who demanded to provide written explanations on the interview the activist gave to the independent website. The interview was published on the website under the title “Mikalai Ulasevich: I am following the KGB’s provocations just like walking on the mine field”. However, the former candidate refused to provide any explanations.

Earlier, two days ahead of the election day, Mikalai Ulasevich was detained and charged with distributing illegal election campaign materials. His residence was searched and the candidate himself was taken to the police department. However, the charges have not reached the court yet, as the campaign fliers are still being checked by the ideology department of Hrodna regional executive committee.

Later, on 1 October, Mr. Ulasevich faced new charges for alleged resistance to the police on 21 September, the day when he was detained for the first time.

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