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Mahiliou prosecutor’s office sees no crime in actions by election commission chair

2012 2012-10-17T20:10:06+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Mahiliou prosecutors found no corpus delicti in the actions of the chairman of the district election commission No. 87 Aliaksandr Kazhamiakin. The decision was received by the head of the Mahiliou regional office of the Belarusian Popular Front "Adradzhenne" Zmitser Salauyou.
According to deputy head of the prosecutor’s office of Mahiliou Kastrychnitski district Mr. Karachenka, Zmitser Salauyou’s complaint of a refusal to accredit representatives of the Party as observers at polling stations of Pramyslovaya district No. 87 was checked. As a result of the inspection, the prosecuting authorities refused to pen a case referring to Par. 1-2 of Article 29 of the Code of Criminal Procedures of the Republic of Belarus.
The activist’s complaint argued that on September 19, 2012 the chairmen of the election commissions Nos. 45,  56, 58 and of Pramyslovaya constituency No. 87 did not allow observers from the BPF "Adradzhenne" to enter the polls. The reason for this was that the local office of the Party did not occupy its legal address.
Zmitser Salauyou says that the officials were ordered not to bring the case to criminal prosecution.
"No doubt, Mr. Kazhamiakin violated laws and did not allow our observers to monitor the process of voting and counting of votes for ridiculous reasons. The fact that our office is not located at its legal address should not be his business. The regional department of justice has no complaints, especially since Mr. Kazhamiakin interfered into an issue he has nothing to do with. I did not expect any other answer from the prosecutor’s office. We will complain to the court and in court try to prove a violation of the Electoral Code,” says Zmitser Salauyou.

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