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Fair World observer ejected from polling station in Zhlobin

2012 2012-09-22T16:58:26+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Mrs. Ilona Tkachova, election agent of candidate Valery Rybchanka, member of the Fair World party running in Zhlobin constituency No. 40, has been expelled from polling station No. 15.

“There were violations almost every day. For example, yesterday there came a woman who was given two ballots at a time. However, the election commission head said the woman could vote for a different person by a court ruling. The same situation happened to another elector: the election commission members issued two ballot papers to a man,” says the observer.

Ilona Tkachova appealed the violations at the constituency election commission and the Central Election Commission.

As a result, Sviatlana Kishkevich, head of the polling station election commission convened a meeting that ruled to deny the independent observer’s accreditation.

“I was accused of violating Art. 13 of the Electoral Code. They said I was interfering with voting. In fact, it were the election commission members who violated the Code,” says Mrs. Tkachova.

“Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”

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