CEC bounces appeal by Hrodna candidates
A number of Hrodna opposition candidates, including representatives of the BPF, the UCPB, the Fair World Party and the Tell the Truth campaign, have received a reply from the Central Election Commission lodged to urge the high officials to address the illegal restrictions on election campaigning events imposed by the city’s executive authorities.
The reply signed by the CEC chair Lidzya Yarmoshyna runs as follows: “Par. 2, 3, 4 Art. 24 of the Electoral Code provide that the determination of places for holding mass events in the city of Hrodna is within the authority of Hrodna city executive committee, and the Central Election Commission has no right to assess the decision adopted.”
The pro-democratic candidates in their turn believe that the CEC evaded considering the appeal, while the city still lacks adequate conditions for efficient campaigning.
“Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”