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Babruisk KGB threatens election public activist

2012 2012-09-04T17:28:42+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Public activist Halina Smirnova was summoned to the local branch of the KGB. The conversation with officer of special services Pavel Silkou lasted about two and a half hours.

"It was about the last year’s silent protests, the People’s gathering and hanging of white-red-white flags in Babruisk. The KGB officer also recalled the lighting of candles on Dziady, to which I replied that, for me, this is a special day, I honor the memory of the repressed family, and so I go there and light these candles. Pavel Silkou warned that all my actions can lead me to criminal responsibility", - said Halina Smirnova.

To questions about her personal or family life, Bobruisk activist refused to answer. But she noted that the KGB officer talked to her quite civilized, with no threats.

"Of course, we were talking about the elections. I said that I will participate in observation. But one can say that most of the time we spent talking about my participation in rallies. Pavel Silkou gave me a paper to acquaint with, the meaning of which was to warn me about responsibility under the Article 342 of the Criminal Code - "organization and preparation activities that breach public order or active participation in them. Punishment under this article - up to three years in prison", - says Halina Smirnova.

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