Ideologist of Svetlahorsk car park “holds a talk” with a canvasseur
In Svetlahorsk, the ideologist of car park #5 Anton
Satarau summonsed to his office a member of the electoral team of a prospective
candidate for the Parliament, the head of the Svetlahorsk district organization
of the Belarusian leftist party “Fair World” Siarhei Daineka.
Engineer Siarhei Daineka tries to get nominated as a candidate at the election
constituency which is located on the territory of the Svetlahorsk district of
the Homel region. The nomination is conducted by the “Fair World”. At the same
time, members of his electoral team collect signatures in support of his
“One of my adherents, a member of my electoral team, works at car park #5 in Svetlahorsk.
Several days ago this man was summonsed to the office of the ideologist of the
car park Anton Satarau. The ideologist warned him against taking part in any
pickets, meetings or any other events,” said Siarhei Daineka (in the photo).
Mr. Daineka considers it as an attempt to exert pressure on the member of the
electoral team. To Daineka's mind, Satarau interferes with activities of the
electoral team with the aim to intimidate the canvasseur.
Meanwhile, according to the local dwellers, signatures in support of the
pro-governmental candidate Halina Filipovich, the head of the Salihorsk
District Executive Committee, are collected during the working hours. In
particular, this was noticed at the pension department of the social employment
and protection board of the Salihorsk District Executive Committee.
“Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”