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Minsk government bans six more demonstrations for election boycott

2012 2012-07-25T12:06:46+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The Minsk City Executive Committee has denied permission for Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) to stage six more demonstrations to call for boycotting September's House of Representatives elections, BCD Executive Secretary Dzyanis Sadowski told BelaPAN on Tuesday. 

The demonstrations were to take place on Independence Avenue, Surhanava Street and Kharuzhay Street and in Yakub Kolas Square between July 28 and 30, Mr. Sadowski said. They were banned allegedly because the applications for permission to stage them were not in conformity with the Mass Events Law, he said. Another reason for prohibiting BCD activists from demonstrating on Independence Avenue and in Yakub Kolas Square was that the demonstrations would be staged too close to subway underpasses, Mr. Sadowski said. 

"We filed a total of 20 applications for permission to stage demonstrations in Minsk as part of our boycott campaign," he said. "Ten of them have already been rejected."

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