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Number of nominees to circuit election commissions varies in different parts of Belarus (survey)

2012 2012-07-09T17:33:35+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Brest region

330 people were nominated to the circuit election commissions of the Brest region. As reminded by the head of the main board of the organization and personnel work of the Brest Regional Executive Committee Aliaksandr Kaliada, 16 constituency commissions for elections to the House of Representatives will be formed in the regions. This is the number of persons, nominated to these commissions by such pro-governmental structures as the national public association “Belaya Rus”, the Belarusian National Youth Union, the Belarusian public associations of veterans and the Communist Party of Belarus. The Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus nominated 15 persons. The Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World” and the National Party of Work and Justice nominated 13 persons each, the Belarusian Popular Front and the United Civil Party – 7 persons each, the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) – 3 persons, the Liberal Democratic Party – 1 person. 89 people were nominated by collection of signatures of electors and 63 – by labor collectives.

Accoridng to Mr. Kaliada, the number of nominees to Brest-Western constituency election commission #1 is the greatest one – 29 persons, and the smallest (16 persons) – to Dnzepra-Buzhskaya election constituency #10.

The joint sitting of the presidium of the regional council and the regional executive committee for the formation of constituency commissions in the Brest region will be held on 9 July.

Hrodna region

Representatives of the democratic oppositions nominated 26 representatives to the 13 constituency election commissions of the Hrodna region.

10 of them were nominated by the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World”, 9 – by the Belarusian Popular Front, 7 – by the United Civil Party. It's quite interesting that a part of nominees of these parties were nominated to the constituency commissions of the city of Hrodna.

Another party, which had actively nominated its representatives to constituency and precinct election commissions during the presidential election campaign of 2010, the Belarusian Social Democratic Hramada, decided not to take part in the present campaign. The regional branch of the BSDH is of the opinion that participation in the election is impossible, as far as the electoral legislation hasn't been liberalized and political prisoners haven't been released from jail.


According to the head of the Slonim BPF branch Ivan Sheha, the party nominated 9 people to the constituency election commissions of the Hrodna region, 4 of them – to the election commissions of Slonim.

According to the head of the Slonim city branch of the “Fair World” Mikhail Karatkevich, the branch nominated 6 persons to the constituency election commissions of Slonim. “It is hard to predict how many of them will be included in the commissions. During the election to the Hrodna Region Council two members of our party were included in commissions, but this year I have litted faith in it,” doubted Mr. Karatkevich.

Minsk Region


The Minsk regional UCP branch nominated two activists to the constituency election commissions of Barysau. Human rights defender Aleh Matskevich and UCP members Rehina Viltouskaya have theoretical chances to be included in the commissions, as they have passed all necessary documents in time.  However, the experience of the presidential election of 2010 gives little hope for it, as no representatives of the democratic opposition were included in the commissions during that campaign.


According to the representative of the “Fair World” in the Salihorsk district Kazimir Kavetski the party nominated a representative to Salihorsk city constituency election commission #68, and one more – To Salihorsk village constituency election commission #69.

Civil activist Uladzimir Shyla was nominated to commission #69 by collection of electors' signatures. On 9 July he intends to attend the joint sitting of the presidium of the Minsk Region Council and the Minsk Region Executive Committee at which the commissions will be formed.

The local representatives of other democratic parties and organizations didn't confirm the nomination of their representatives to the constituency election commissions of the Salihorsk district.

Orsha district

In the Orsha district, representatives were nominated to constituency election commissions by the “Fair World”, the BPF and the UCP. The civil campaign “Tell the Truth” nominated one representative by collection of electors' signatures in support of his candidacy.


The “Fair World” nominated Fiodar Kireikau to Lepel constituency election commission #23, Vasil Kabacheuski – to Orsha city constituency election commission #26, Uladzimir Barshcheuski – to Orsha Dniaprouskaya constituency election commission #27 and Mikalai Petrushenka – to Sianno constituency election commission #30.

All in all, there are 14 election constituencies in the Vitsebsk region. The “Fair World” nominated its representatives to 11 of them.


Representatives of the democratic community of Rahachou decided not to nominate their representatives to constituency election commissions.

“In fact, there was no sense in it, as each time the same people are included in these commissions – representatives of various state institutions and enterprises, who are are loyal to the government. The Homel Region Executive Committee wouldn't include representatives of democratic parties and NGOs in the election commissions. As far as I know, usually this process is surrounded with secrecy,” commented the long-term observer at the Rahachou election constituency Yauhen Stremski.


The Belarusan Leftist Party “Fair World” nominated its member Valiantsin Yauzrezau to the Zhlobin constituency election commission.

“We tried to nominate our representative to the election commission during the election-2010, but the Zhlobin District Executive Committee turned our candidacy down,” says the head of the Zhlobin district organization of the “Fair World” Valery Rybchanka. “That's why we have no illusions about it now.”

“Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”

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