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Statkevich shared cell with a person ill with tuberculosis

2012 2012-04-13T17:59:55+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The former presidential candidate Mikalai Statkevich was kept in the same cell with a prisoner who had been ill with tuberculosis, for more than two months. This was found out by his wife Maryna Adamovich.

She is very concerned that doctors of the Mahiliou prison where he is serving his term started paying an unusual interest to his health. Statkevich was transferred to Mahiliou prison from Shklou prison three months ago, on 14 January. “They made an X-ray of his lungs in Shklou, and then – twice in Mahiliou. The regions for such interest aren’t explained. However, I know that one of his cellmates was ill with tuberculosis. Statkevich was kept in the same cell with him for more than two months,” says Maryna.

According to Maryna Adamovich, she is concerned with the possible consequences for the husband’s health. At the same time, she considers it as an attempt of the Belarusian authorities to blackmail the West and push it to bargaining about the release of political prisoners.

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