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Head of Vitsebsk Region Court is asked to change restraint to Siarhei Kavalenka

2012 2012-04-03T17:21:49+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Civil activists of Vitsebsk filed a collective appeal to the head of the regional court, Mikalai Khalimonchyk. Political prisoner Siarhei Kavalenka has been keeping a long-term hunger-strike. He is currently receiving rehabilitation treatment at the psychiatric department of penal colony #3.

We, Vitsebsk residents, are very concerned with the state of health of Siarhei Kavalenka, who has been hungering for more than three months. At present he is kept in the psychiatric department of penal colony #3. Actions of the medics don't lead to the improvement of his state and can cause his death. The change of the restraint to Siarhei Kavalenka and his transfer to a civilian hospital can save his health and life," reads the address, adopted by the organizing committee established for support to Siarhei Kavalenka and his family.

According to its participant Tatsiana Seviarynets, the address was registered at the court. "We are preparing a number of actions for saving our compatriot. In particular, this is a special address to the heads of foreign countries with the request to influence the situation with Kavalenka, and an address to users of social network to make them spread information about the state of his health and all circumstances of his case," she said.

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