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Mahiliou: Iryna Tryhubava to be tried for leaflet

2011 2011-12-09T18:03:20+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Iryna Tryhubava, an activist of the Free Trade Union of Steelworkers, was detained about three weeks ago near the porch of a house in the Yubileiny syburb.

“I was throwing leaflets “Four our and your freedom!” into postboxes. I just posted a leaflet in one of the porches, when I was approached by an unknown man who grabbed me and told someone on the phone that he detained me,” said Iryna Tryhubava.

Then the man took Iryna to the nearest police station, where a report of administrative violation was drawn up, and the remaining 30 leaflets and glue were confiscated.

After this, the woman was visited by a police inspector who asked her whether she wanted to attend the trial. He also told her that she had been detained by a KGB officer. The trial will take place on 14 December.

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