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Vitsebsk Region Court again upholds ban on pickets

2011 2011-11-11T16:43:47+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

On 10 November the Vitsebsk Region Court considered the cassation appeal of human rights defender Leanid Svetsik against the verdict of the Chairman of the Chyhunachny District Court of Vitsebsk, Raman Dziahoda, upholding the verdict of the Chyhunachny District Court by which a picket ban issued to Mr. Svetsik by the Vitsebsk Chyhunachny District Executive Committee had been declared lawful.

Leanid Svetsik intended to hold a picket in support of human rights defender Ales Bialiatski. However, the Chyhunachny DEC banned the action referring to ruling #881 of the Vitsebsk City Executive Committee, dated 10 July 2009, according to which a person applying for the authorization of a mass event must conduct service agreements with the police medics and public utilities in advance. In practice, these institutions refuse to conclude such agreements without seeing an official permission first. Vitsebsk activists have submitted tens of applications for actions during the last years, but the vicious circle remains unbroken.

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