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Minsk: trials of 6 July silent protest participants

2011 2011-07-08T16:02:21+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The Frunzenski District Court
Astashenka – 10 days of arrest;
Yauhen Dashkevich – 7 days of arrest;
Dzmitry Kamianetski – 10 days of arrest;
Kavaliou – 10 days of arrest;
Aliaksandr Krasouski – fined 1,050,000 rubles;
Mikalai Meliianets – sentenced to 10 days of arrest by Judge Lappo;
Shumski – 15 days of arrest;
Barys Sidarenka – sentenced to 10 days of arrest;
Aliaksei Tseliabniou – 10 days of arrest;
Ivan Verkhaturau – sentenced to arrest (the number of days is not known);
Andrei Volkau – 10 days of arrest (tried on charges in disorderly conduct (Article 17.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). In the police report it was written that he clapped his hands;
Aliaksandr Yaskevich – 15 days of arrest;
Artur Zarouski – 15 days of arrest.

The Kastrychnitski District Court
17 people were taken there. All of them are charged under Article 17.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, “disorderly conduct”. The cases are tried by judges M. Lappo and I. Mitrakhovich.

D. Asipchyk;
Natallia Bakinouskaya – 10 days of arrest;
Siarhei Belavus;
Dzmitry Bely – 15 days of arrest;
V. Dzikayevich;
Dzimitry Filimonchyk;
Ye. Hameza;
Halina Hancharyk (born in 1943) – fined 875,000 rubles. The testimony against her was given by Kazlou, an officer of the Kastrychnitski District Police Department (DPD);
Andrei Kaushar;
Andrei Khamko;
Aliaksandr Mishakou – 10 days of arrest;
V. Patsiarukhin – 10 days of arrest;
Andrei Pratasenia – 12 days of arrest;
Andrei Rasolka;
Hanna Shol – 10 days of arrest;
I. Sidarovich;
Artsiom Starykau – 12 days of arrest;
A. Turko;
Eduard Vaida;
Hanna Zhol – 10 days of arrest.

The Leninski District Court
Judge: Mikhail Khoma:
A. Bialko;
I. Bialko;
A. Kapanin – 10 days of arrest;
A. Kraiko;
A. Niamtsou;
P. Papliouka.

Judge: Vera Tupik:
L. Brouchanka – 10 days of arrest;
V. Kuis – 10 days of arrest;
L. Makhina – 10 days of arrest;

Judge: Liubou Valevich:
S. Astapovich 10 days of arrest;
D. Barodka;
D. Kavalevich;
Ye. Klimiankou;
F. Marozava;
Yu. Vasiliieva.

Judge: Maryna Zapasnik:
A. Badrahin;
Katsiaryna Karpovich;
S. Marozau – 10 days of arrest;
S. Marozava – 10 days of arrest;
A. Verabei – 15 days of arrest;;
I. Verabei – 15 days of arrest;
S. Zhykh.

The Maskouski District Court
Aliaksei Balashou – 5 days of arrest;
Pavel Baluyeu;
Pavel Dashkevich;
Viktar Douhul;
Siarhei Hambaleuski;
Aliaksei Haurusiou – 10 days of arrest;
Andrei Ihnatchyk;
Andrei Kazakou;
Natallia Khomich;
Mikhail Kostka;
Aliaksei Krasouski – 9 days of arrest;

Siarhei Kreida;
Aliaksei Kurlenka – 7 days of arrest;
Siarhei Lemeshau (born in 1951) – 5 days of arrest;
Anton Mamutau;
Dzmitry Matveyeu – 11 days of arrest;
Yana Sahanovich – fined 350,000 rubles;
Aliaksei Shavel;
Mikhail Yermaliuk;
Andrei Zakhareuski;
Tsimafei Zaretski.

The Partyzanski District Court
Yauhen Lapatsik;
Andrei Lelikau – 7 days of arrest;
K. Myslitski – sentenced to 10 days of arrest by Judge A. Tsitsiankova;
Siarhei Parmon – tried by Judge Aliaksandr Kochyk;
Yauhen Revut – sentenced to 8 days of arrest by Judge Aliaksandr Kochyk;
Dzianis Rumanchyk – sentenced to 12 days of arrest by Judge Paulouskaya;
S. Serbin – tried by Judge Paulouskaya;
Kseniya Shvets;
Siarheyeu – sentenced to 11 days of arrest by Judge Maryianna Valchkova;
Arkadz Sobaleu – sentenced to 5 days of arrest by Judge Tsitsiankova;
V. Tserliukevich – tried by Judge Tsitsiankova;
E. Tsymbrouski – tried by Judge Paulouskaya.

The Pershamaiski District Court
6 people were taken there. All trials were closed. No witnesses were invited on motions of the defendants.

Harachankova – 5 days of arrest;
Siarhei Kalasouski – 7 days of arrest;
Malakhouski – 15 days of arrest;
Yuliia Savich – 10 days of arrest;
Yauhen Tsikhanau – 7 days of arrest;
Valery Vishneuski – 7 days of arrest.

About 15 more people were tried in another building of the Pershamaiski District court, in Astrashytskaya Street, 7.

Viktar Melnikau – 7 days of arrest.

The Savetski District Court
Aliaksei Burau – 8 days of arrest;
Aliaksei Fedasenka – 12 days of arrest;
Maksim Huz – 10 days of arrest;
Siarhei Kuntsevich (Babruisk) – sentenced to 8 days of arrest by Judge Tatsiana Pauliuchenka;
Matskevich – 12 days of arrest;
Kiryl Paluleh – sentenced unknown;
Anton Ruliou – 10 days of arrest;
Vadzim Seviartsau – 12 days of arrest;
Siarhei Shankou – 10 days of arrest;
Vasil Shcharbakou – sentenced to 15 days of arrest by Judge Paliashuk;
Marta Shmatava – 15 days of arrest;
Viachaslau Sukhanosik – sentenced to 8 days of arrest by Judge Mazouka;
Viarbitski – 8 days of arrest;
Vitold Ziankevich – 15 days of arrest;
Aliaksandr Ziankovich – 15 days of arrest.

The Zavadski District Court
20 people were brought there. The cases are tried by judges Mardovich and Niakrasava.

Bazhok – 10 days of arrest;
Vital Dabryianets – 10 days of arrest;
Yauhen Karuselchyk – 10 days of arrest;
Hanna Kavaliova – 5 days of arrest;
Korsak – 10 days of arrest;
Kudlayeu – 10 days of arrest;
Yauhen Liwshyts – 10 days of arrest;
Ivan Marozau – 10 days of arrest;
Siarhei Mashchytska – 5 days of arrest;
Volha Maschytska – fined 1,050,000 rubles;
Alena Ramanchuk – fined 70,000 rubles;
Rumiantsau – 5 days of arrest;
Skabei – 10 days of arrest;
Aliaksei Tryvozhka – 10 days of arrest;
Yuliia Vashkevich – 10 days of arrest;
Maksim Viniarski – 15 days of arrest;
Katsiaryna Yerusalimskaya – 5 days of arrest?

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