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Tatsiana Seviarynets not allowed to to meet with her son for the third time

2011 2011-03-15T18:32:04+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Tatsiana Seviarynets

Tatsiana Seviarynets

The investigation refused to let Tatsiana Seviarynets, the mother of politician Pavel Seviarynets who has been in the KGB pre-trial prison since 19 December 2010, meet with her son. He wasn't allowed to meet with an Orthodox priest, either.

Both refusals were received by Tatsiana Seviarynets on 14 March and are signed by investigator Sanko.

The reason for the prohibition of meetings with the son remains the same: meetings with relatives can be allowed, but it depends on the decision of the investigation.

“It is the third time the investigator writes me that he considers my meeting with Pavel as inexpedient”, says Tatsiana Seviarynets. “Last time, in the beginning of March, I wrote application for a meeting right in the office of the head of the investigative group, Anatol Sukala. At first he refused to talk to me at all, but I told that I wanted to hear not his refusal, but a concrete explanation of the reasons for it. After a two-hour talk Mr. Sukala promised me to “think” about the permission of a meeting. However, then the head of the investigation committee Kazakevich came in. When he found who I was he blankly stated that I won't have any meetings with Pavel,” said Tatsiana Seviarynets.

She is also indignant at the prohibition to meet with a priest. She says that Pavel has always confessed before the Lent, but is deprived of this opportunity.

“The Lent has begun already. However, as I found out, visits of priests to the KGB prison are practically impossible. Investigator Sanko wrote in his letter that meetings with priests were “beyond his powers”, which contradicts to what priest Vasiliy from the Aliaksandr Neuski Church in Minsk said – he deals with such meetings with convicts. he explained me the procedure and told to whom I needed to apply. I did as he told, but there are no results. I will continue consulting on this issue – I wish at least a priest could visit Pavel, as his last meeting with the lawyer, Pavel Sapelka, was 2.5 months ago, on 29 December last year.”

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