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General Procuracy threatens candidate Niakliayeu with bringing a criminal case

2010 2010-12-09T20:59:46+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

On 9 December the presidential candidate Uladzimir Niakliayeu received a telephone call from the General Procuracy. He was told that an official warning was issued to him for the ‘unlawful calls’ to citizens to come out to Kastrychnitskaya Square on 19 December.

Mr. Niakliayeu was told that the notice about the warning would be thrown into his postbox on 10 December.

’The regime started a predictable and long-awaited intimidation: with imprisonment and with criminal responsibility. The regime hasn’t invented anything new. Its demonstrative democracy will be decreasing more and more with the approach of the election, when its fate would be decided. It is coming to an end, and usual things take its place…’

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