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Zhlobin district: 6 complaints against non-inclusion of people in precinct commissions

2010 2010-11-05T23:17:34+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

6 complaints against the non-inclusion of democratic activists in the precinct election commissions (PECs) of the Zhlobin district have been lodged to the Zhlobin District Court. The trials were scheduled for 7 November.

During the sitting on the formation of the PECs (pictured) the Zhlobin District Executive Committee included in the commissions two representatives of the United Civil Party: Antanina Mirashnichenka was included in Maladziozhny PEC #7 and Vadzim Bazhkou – to Transpartny PEC #27.

The Belarusian Leftist Party Fair World is represented by Mikhail Nazarchyk (Chkalauski PEC #18) and Ivan Marozau (Shkolny PEC #21).The Zhlobin district has a total of 69 PECs.

8 representatives of the Fair World, 2 representatives of the United Civil Party and 7 non-partisan democratic activists weren’t included in the commissions. That’s why the local organizations of the UCP and the Fair World lodged the appropriate complaints. Moreover, the representatives of the Fair World Piatro Ausiannikau, Yauhen Basareuski, Valery Rybchanka and Anatol Stsepanenka.

Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections

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