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Precinct commissions of Vitsebsk region include less than 0.25% oppositionists

2010 2010-11-05T04:40:38+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The Belarusian Leftist Party Fair World nominated to the precinct election commissions (PECs) 50 representatives, 18 of whom were included: 7 – in Polatsk, 6 – in Orsha, 3 – in the Orsha district, 1 – in the Talachyn district and 2 – in Navapoaltsk. However, not a single nominee of the party was included in a PEC in Vitsebsk.

3 nominees of the United Civil Party were included in the PECs, as well as some representatives of the public organization Self-government and Society. However, though the authorities included in the commissions the organization members Anatol Ausiukou and Tatsiana Kasiianava, they refused to include to include in them another its member – Leanid Haravy, a deputy of the Haradok District Council of the 24th Convocation, a member of the For Freedom movement and the editor of the informational newsletter Hastsinets.

At present, the information about the composition of the commissions is available for the Rasony district of the Vitsebsk region and can be found at the website of the Rasony District Executive Committee (

According to information of the information agency BelTA, the PECs of the Vitsebsk region include 130 representatives of the Communist Party of Belarus, 11 members of the Republican Party of Work and Progress and 1 representative of the Belarusian Agrarian Party (all these parties are loyal to the present political regime). There are also representatives of 15 public associations, but the first places again belong to the ‘reliable’ ones – included were 1,885 representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, 647 members of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, 588 members of the Belarusian Union of Women and 493 members of the Belarusian Union of Veterans.

All in all, there are 911 PECs on the territory of the Vitsebsk region, consisting of 11,458 people. Representatives of the democratic forces constitute less then 0.25% of this number.

Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections

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