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Autukhovich’s demands partially met

2010 2010-06-22T18:55:05+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The demands by the political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich, who went on hunger-strike on 18 June, were partially met, European Radio for Belarus reports.

According to Mr. Autukhovich’s lawyer Pavel Sapelka, the prisoner is to meet deputy head of the Department for the Execution of Sentences tomorrow.

Mikalai Autukhovich had earlier addressed the official with a written appeal, asking for medical aid. However, the appeal was left unattended. According to Autukhovich, the paper must have never left the walls of the detention center at Valadarski Street.

Autukhovich’s health is satisfactory, although some consequences of the hunger-strike can already be seen, says Mr. Sapelka.

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