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Mikola Dzemidzenka is charged with posting leaflets in Vitsebsk

2010 2010-06-11T18:28:35+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en
Mikola Dzemidzenka

Mikola Dzemidzenka

On 10 June, a leader of the Young Front, Mikola Dzemidzenka, was detained by policemen with assault rifles in Vitsebsk, where he come to meet with activists of the Young Front and the Party of Belarusian Christian Democracy. The activist was detained on a trolleybus, before the eyes of passengers.

At first, the activist was kept for several hours at the Pershamaiski District Police Department (DPD) of Vitsebsk. Then he was guarded to the Kastrychnitski DPD, where a report for posting of leaflets was drawn up. In fact, Dzemidzenka didn't post leaflets: about 200 leaflets he had brought to hand out to members of BCD and the Young Front during the meeting were seized from him by the police during the detention.

Having drawn the report, the policemen let Mr. Dzemidzenka go. All in all, he was detained in the two DPDs for more than 5 hours.

The same day, A BCD activist, Ales Halavan, was detained in Vitsebsk. He was kept at the Pershamaiski DPD for more than two hours and was released without receiving any charges.

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