Hlybokaye voters receive leaflets of pro-state candidate by post
Hlybokaye pro-democratic candidates keep encountering numerous obstacles in their campaigning activities, say local human rights activists. The candidates representing the unregistered Belarusian Christian Democracy Party were ordered to remove the eight-pointed star (popular Belarusian national symbol) from their election posters. A BCD member Yauhen Samsonau discovered that his biography published in the official pre-election posters had been arbitrary altered by unknown officials. A BSDP (Hramada) candidate’s leaflet was edited by the staff of the local publishing house, resulting in the reduced quality of the text.
At the same time, leaflets canvassing for some of the pro-state candidates have been delivered with ordinary mail by local postmen, e.g. in the village of Dzerkaushchyna, where it was the loyal candidate only, who was advertised by the local post-office.
‘Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections’