Just World Rahachou member not registered
Mrs. F. Pauliukova, member of the ‘Just World’ party, was refused registration as candidate for Hadzilavichy village council (Rahachou district, Homel region). The local party activists think this occurred due to a mistake by head of the village executive committee.
‘Fiokla Pauliukova was nominated by collecting of signatures. We asked chair of the village executive committee, who is also chair of the local election commission, to provide information on the limits of the constituency of Mrs. Pauliukova. He gave us the list of streets. And it turned out that some of the houses in the streets belong to different constituencies. Thus, part of the signatures were found invalid, and the list was 6 signatures short,’ said the party’s activist Liudmila Kabylianets.
Mrs. Kabylianets thinks that if chair of Hadzilavichy executive committee Mikalai Isakou had specified the exact limits of the constituency, Mrs. Pauliukova’s campaign team would not have encountered any problems with the number of the signatures.
‘Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections’