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Political parties start nominating representatives to precinct election commissions (updated)

2010 2010-03-05T17:37:32+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The Hrodna departments of the democratic parties nominate their representatives to the precinct election commissions. 16 persons were nominated to them by the BPF Party that intends to nominate four candidates to the Hrodna city Soviet of Deputies. The Belarusian Social Democratic Hramada has nominated four persons, but some more members of the party will be nominated to the precinct commissions by collecting electors’ signatures.

Homel oblast
The Homel coalition of the United Democratic Forces nominates 200 persons for working in the precinct commissions.

More than 100 persons are nominated by the Belarusian Party of United Leftists Fair World, 31 of them in Homel, 15 in Zhlobin and 12 in Rechytsa.

More than 90 persons are nominated by the United Civil Party, 65 of them – in Homel. The party members intend to take part in the work of precinct commissions of the constituencies where candidates of the party will run.

These numbers were voiced at the press conference of the coalition, the movement For Freedom and potential democratic candidates. The coalition also reserves the right to withdraw its candidates from the elections if its representatives aren’t included in the precinct commissions. As said by Vasil Paliakou, Chairperson of the Homel oblast organization of the United Civil Party, the probability of such actions is very high because during the previous elections people were admitted to precinct commissions on very rare occasions.

About 40 UCP members intend to run for the local Soviets. On 28 February the council of the Homel UCP organization nominated Aliaksandr Karotchanka as a candidate to the Homel oblast Soviet of Deputies at the Roshchynskaya election constituency #5. Ihar Sluchak was nominated candidate to the Homel city Soviet of Deputies at the Moladzevaya election constituency #30.

As a result of the elections, 3 949 deputies will be elected to the Soviets of different levels in the Homel oblast. 60 of them will be elected to the Homel oblast Soviet.


The Belarusian Social Democratic Hramada nominated four members to precinct commissions. Three civil and political activists were nominated to the precinct commissions by collecting electors’ signatures.

Orsha district

The Belarusian Party of Leftists Fair World was the first to submit to the Orsha town executive committee and the Orsha district executive committee the minutes of its plenum.

As it follows from the minutes, in Orsha representatives of the leftists were distributed in the following way:

Mikalai Dziamidau was nominated to precinct commission #4,
Volha Shaurova – to precinct commission #6,
Mikhas Barada  – to precinct commission #29,
Valer Danenkau  – to precinct commission # - to precinct commission #37,

Siarhei Udavichenka  – to precinct commission #38,
Tamara Artsiomenka  – to precinct commission #44,
Anatol Artsiushkevich  – to precinct commission #55.

Three members of Fair World were nominated to precinct commissions situated in the Orsha district:

Uladzimir Barshecheuski – to precinct commission #2,
Fadzei Shmarau  – to precinct commission #30,
Uladzimir Trayan  – to precinct commission #33.

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