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Barysau district: created constituencies fail to meet legal requirements

2010 2010-02-16T23:28:06+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Decision #3 of the Barysau district election commission, published the state-owned newspaper Adzinstva, concerns changes of the boundaries of the election constituencies #9 and #10 on the elections to the Barysau district Soviet of Deputies of the 26th Convocations and, correspondingly, changes in the number of electors in these constituencies.

By this ruling, Yushkevichauskaya Street and all its lanes from Zavadskaya Street to the Berazina river were excluded from election constituency #9 and included in constituency #10. As a result, the number of electors in the former constituency decreased and became 4 702, while in the latter it increased and became 3 709.

This operation is motivated by the presentation of the Barysau district executive committee of 12 February 2010. One can guess that it could be done to make the number of electors in both constituencies correspond to Article 15 of the Election Code, establishing the 10% limit for the digression from the average number of electors in a constituency.

However, for election constituency #9 the digression in the number of electors still constitutes 12,6% and for election constituency #10 it is 11,1%.

Election constituencies 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 22, 23, 26 and 33 (more than 10 out of 34 constituencies in Barysau district) also have more than 10% digression from the average number of electors. Meanwhile, in some of them the digression is very large. For instance, election constituency #1 has by more than 20% less electors than an average constituency.

Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections

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