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Homel oppositionist fined for EU flag

2009 2009-08-18T18:44:11+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The administrative commission of the Savetski district of Homel fined activist of the “For Freedom” movement Zinaida Shumilina 175,000 rubles.

As Radio Svaboda reports, the members of the commission and its chairman, deputy head of the district administration Mikhail Shyshkou, decided that Zinaida Shumilina didn’t have the right to hang out a national white-red-white flag, a European flag, and a banner “Hunger Strike of Protest” in her private house.

These symbols of solidarity were hung out in the house #52 in Palesskaya Street in June, when Uladzimir Katsora and other activists of the Homel opposition were on hunger strike protesting against punishment for a picket in memory of General Yury Zakharanka, the disappeared former interior minister.

Militia officers removed the flags and the banner, painted out inscriptions “Hunger Strike of Protest” and “Long Live Belarus!” They drew up a report against Zinaida Shumilina for violation of the rules of city maintenance and passed it to the administration.

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